Friday, March 29, 2019
9:00 AM - Preliminary Rounds Begin
4:45 PM - Keynote Address
Bioscience Research Collaborative Auditorium
6500 Main St, Houston, TX

The Rice 360° Ninth Annual Undergraduate Global Health Technologies Design Competition will be held on Friday, March 29, 2019, in the Bioscience Research Collaborative Auditorium at Rice University. The competition will feature over 20 student teams from national and international universities who will present their low-cost global health technologies. Entries will be judged on the quality of the problem definition, the effectiveness and potential impact of the design solution, and the likelihood that the solution can be successful in improving healthcare delivery in low-resource settings by faculty, clinicians, and private and public sector partners from around the country.
Team Information
Registration │The Global Health Technology Challenge │Accommodations & Travel Assistance │
Presentation Guidelines
Registration deadline: February 17, 2019
What you need to prepare for registration:
Problem Definition (50 words or less).
Abstract (400 words or less). Include: 1) description of the design problem and an assessment of the need for a solution, 2) design criteria and constraints, 3) description, status and evaluation of the prototype and, 4) conclusion. References and credits not to be included in abstract. If you choose, you may include one figure or table with caption. Title your document TEAMNAME_UNIVERISTY NAME.doc or .pdf.
Elevator Pitch (3 minutes or less): Create a video about the problem and your team’s general approach. It should not focus greatly upon your proposed or actual solution, its technical details or include any proprietary information surrounding the project. You will upload this as a link to an unlisted YouTube video.
Teams selected to present at the competition will be notified by February 24, 2019.
Teams can apply for a Travel Assistance Award. To qualify, teams must submit a letter explaining their needs. The letter must be signed by your faculty advisor and submitted with the application.
Students selected to participate in the design competition will be asked to prepare a poster and oral presentation to deliver at the design competition. Teams are strongly encouraged to bring their prototype.
The Global Health Technology Challenge
Identify a challenge in delivering health care in the developing world and design a technology to solve the problem.
Criteria for entering the Design Competition:
Teams of undergraduate students from any major.
Design must address a global health need using a technical approach.
Projects can emanate from coursework or other extracurricular activities.
Teams should incorporate the design constraints encountered in providing healthcare in resource-limited settings.
Entries will be judged on the quality of the problem definition, the effectiveness and potential impact of the design solution and the likelihood that the design solution can be successful in improving healthcare delivery in a low-resource setting.
Accommodations & Travel Assistance
The competition will take place Friday, March 29, 2019, from 8:30 am – 6:30 pm. A block of rooms have been set aside at the Wyndham Medical Center, a short 5-minute walk from the competition venue. Rice 360° will make reservations for invited teams. Guest teams are responsible for any and all expenses incurred during their visit. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided on the day of the event.
Teams can apply for a Travel Assistance Award. To qualify, teams must submit a letter with their application from their respective schools explaining their need. If your request is accepted, Rice 360° will either pay for one room at the Wyndham for two nights (March 28th and March 29th) or you will be eligible to receive $300 in assistance to spend on travel ($500 for international teams). Please note, this is not an advance. Funds will be disbursed within 14 business days following the competition.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Poster Guidelines
Each team will prepare a 3 x 4 foot poster summarizing the project. This poster should include a comprehensive summary of the entire design process. Important items to include when designing your poster:
Title – select one primary message
Clearly stated problem & overall objective
Clear problem-solving
Results – are your conclusions convincing based on the design and testing?
Figures – what pictures, tables, and/or graphs will best convey your results?
Contact information
Here are some great links that provide an overview of how a poster should be designed and/or provides templates to get you started:
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Oral presentations will be 6-minutes long, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session. Invited teams are required to submit their final PowerPoints no later than March 20, 2019.