Shababa Matin

Fellowship range: 2021-2023
Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Fun Fact: I have visited 15 countries.
Undergraduate: Brown University, ScB: Biomedical Engineering and A.B: Visual Arts
Graduate: Johns Hopkins University, M.S.E. in Bioengineering Innovation and Design
Project: Human factors assessment of technologies in the NEST bundle.
Stage of project: Currently assessing usability of medical devices under the Bilirubinometer product category.
Goal for project:
Shababa Matin joined Rice360 as a Global Health Fellow in 2021 to work on the human factors assessment of all devices for consideration within the Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies (NEST360) bundle, including those under development at Rice360.
Why global health?
Growing up in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Shababa watched her parents who are physicians facilitating free healthcare for those who cannot afford it, on a daily basis. Through them, she learnt that she is also passionate about facilitating equitable healthcare for all. Shababa has dedicated her career to this cause, pursuing Biomedical Engineering and Visual Arts in college to work on medical device design. During her Master’s program at Johns Hopkins University, Shababa worked closely with collaborators in Iganga, Uganda to develop and assess a neonatal monitoring device.
For Shababa, working in global health is a way to facilitate resources to the communities she’s set out to serve.